Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Kale!

Today was wicked exciting for me. My kale seedlings sprouted!

It was a total surprise when I found these tiny little plants peeking at me out of the soil. I only planted them on Tuesday evening, so I was not expecting them to sprout for 1-2 weeks. But here it is, Saturday afternoon, and they're already growing.

Part of my excitement also stems from the fact that I am growing these plants in a pot in my basement bedroom. More acquainted with growing vegetables directly in the ground, I must admit I am a little intimidated by the idea of potted kale. However, I guess that if there's dirt, water, and sunlight they should grow fine. In fact, so many seedlings are sprouting up that I may have to transplant some of them into another pot (I got a little enthusiastic about how many seeds I planted because I REALLY like kale).

But anyway, here's a picture of my kale!

If you want to learn a little more about kale, check out these articles:
This blog also looks great. It is all about kale and will give you a whole bunch of recipe ideas:

And if you find any good kale recipes, articles, or websites, please give me a shout. I'm always looking to learn more about this beautiful veggie.

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