Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ever Think of Eating Only Raw?

I know it sounds like a pretty extreme idea, but I'm really intrigued by raw veganism. It's something I will definitely have to try at some point down the road. Take a look at this raw vegan food pyramid. Its pretty different, right?

I get a kick out of raw vegans because they make being a classic vegan seem a little less extreme. ...Of course, that is how I felt about classic vegans back when I was vegetarian. Back in high school, I actually tried being vegan on a whim, because I wanted a fun challenge. I never expected to actually convert to that kind of diet. However, it stuck for quite a while, and now I find myself happily converting back to it again.
When I do eventually test out raw veganism it should be quite interesting. I doubt that I will stick with it for long, but I'll be sure to post some recipes.

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