Monday, February 20, 2012

Almond "Cheesy" Spread

I made this vegan spread for the first time yesterday, and I love it. It's great because, being so quick and easy to make, it becomes a fast snack for on the go. This simple spread really dresses up an otherwise mundane piece of toast or cracker. The flavors that stick out the most to me are the almond butter and the nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast has a very unique flavor that many describe as cheesy. I don't know if I quite agree, but I have not yet come up with a better word for it.

Besides being delicious, textural, and creamy, this spread is also a vegan snack that is packed with nutrients. Although it does have a lot of calories, due to the almond butter and tahini, it is meant to be a spread, rather than eaten by the pound, so just keep that in mind. Besides, you will get a lot of food value packed into a small space.

Nutritional yeast, one of the major ingredients in this recipe, is a remarkably wonderful supplement for vegetarians and vegans. One thing I find particularly exciting about nutritional yeast is the level of vitamin B12 that it contains. B12 is a vitamin necessary for the human body's function and formation of red blood cells. It comes from the soil. However, most humans get it by eating animals or animal products; cows eat some soil along with their grass so the B12 ends up in their bodies and in their milk. Because they do not eat animals or dairy, some vegans subsequently become B12 deficient. Not getting enough B12 can lead to problems such as fatigue and anemia. Fortunately, there are plenty of foods out there that are fortified with this vitamin; nutritional yeast and soy milk, which can both be found in this recipe, are two of those foods. (Check out the nutrition facts of nutritional yeast here:

Also, for the older crowd (and don't worry that doesn't mean I think you're old), if you tried nutritional yeast a few decades ago and didn't like it, please don't completely rule it out. Before I first tried it, my mom told me that, although it was popular back in the 70s, she never liked it. Well, it seems that the flavor has improved a lot since then. Seeing as I am only 21, I obviously cannot attest to the flavor of nutritional yeast in the 70s, but I think my mom likes it much more now. She did like this spread after all. :)

Almond Cheesy Spread
1 cup almond butter
1/4 cup soy milk
2 Tablespoons tahini
2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Blend all ingredients together in a food processor. If you want it to be a little creamier, try adding a bit more soy milk. Store in refrigerator. Lasts about a week (unless you eat it faster!)

P.S. If you try this and think it should have a different name or you come up with a good word to describe the flavor of nutritional yeast, please share! 

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