Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kale and Chickpeas with Coriander

I would like to start this blog with one of my all time favorite recipes: Kale and Chickpeas with Coriander. It is absolutely delicious, wicked healthy, super simple, and not at all time consuming to make. I like to serve it as a meal with rice, but it would also work great as a side dish, or on its own. If you do serve it with rice, I would suggest brown rice...It's my favorite.

This recipe is a great way to get protein, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and more. At the same time it is low calorie, low fat, low in cholesterol, low sodium, and low in sugar. So basically it's good for you in every way.

One side note: as I learned when I went to Big Y supermarket for the first time today (rather than my usual Market Basket), different stores sell completely different size bunches of kale. Market Basket sells huge bunches. Meanwhile, Big Y sells a bunch that is 1/4 of the size of Market Basket's. Because of that, I used one whole bunch of Big Y kale to make half a batch of this recipe, rather than the usual 1/2 bunch. So, if you want your "Kale and Chickpeas with Coriander" to come out like mine, follow the 4 cup measurement rather than the 1/2 bunch approximation. In all honesty though, it will probably be good either way. 

Also, for those of you who do not like onions or garlic, I would like to point out that this recipe has neither. I have always thought that it's nearly impossible to cook a flavorful dinner without onions or garlic, but I love this recipe despite their absence. And hopefully you will too!

Chickpeas and Kale with Coriander

1-2T oil
2 cans chickpeas, drained
2T coriander seed
1/2 bunch or about 4 c shredded/chopped kale
1/2t curry powder
1/2t chili powder
1/2t sugar
2 limes, juiced (about 4T)
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 c water to moisten
2T cilantro (optional)

Heat oil in pan; saute coriander seed.  Add chickpeas, curry and chili powder,
sugar, salt and pepper.  Cook for a few minutes.  Add lime juice and water.  Add kale; cover
& cook for a few minutes to cook the kale.  Stir occasionally.  Add more water
if needed.  Add cilantro.  Serve with rice (I like to mix the rice and kale together on my plate).

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