Friday, March 16, 2012

My lunch (aka more kale)

I have come to the realization that some of my favorite meals are the ones that I have cooked when I had food sitting in the fridge in need of being used up.

I am going home for spring break today, so I needed to use up the perishable food I had laying around for lunch. The result was delicious.

Just throwing food in a pot, I of course did not really think about what I was making until it was done. So, unfortunately, I do not yet have a recipe, but I liked my lunch so much that I felt the desire to at least mention it here.

To start, I cooked up some rice, lentils, and split peas, which I had seasoned with a bay leaf, thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, salt, pepper, and sauteed onions & garlic. I topped that with a sauteed kale, mushroom, onion, chickpea dish cooked in a small amount of broth made from veggie broth, a splash of vermouth, mint, lemon, garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary, basil, and oregano.  (This broth actually tastes like a beef broth - or at least I think it does.)

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