Monday, March 5, 2012

Coming soon

Hi all,

Sadly, I am backed up on writing posts because it's mid semester, and I have to write about five papers a week. Fortunately for me, my spring break is in a week and a half, so, if I do not get too much homework over the break, I will soon be adding a flood of new recipes. These are a few of the recipes I hope to post within the next couple weeks:

- Tabouli
- Salsa
- Vegan Mac & Cheese
- Pumpkin Muffins
- Kale topping for spaghetti - I have not come up with a name for it, but last night, I made a pesto like dish, but instead of basil i used kale, and in place of cheese I used nutritional yeast (my newest love)
- also, my mom recently gave me a new lentil soup, which i hope to try soon. If I like it, I will post the recipe.

Happy cooking!

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