Friday, June 29, 2012


Avocados are, in my opinion, truly amazing. They are so rich and creamy, and you can eat them a million ways, from plain, to in a salad or on a burrito.

Plus, they are packed with healthy nutrients. You know how complete proteins are important? Well, avocados have all the amino acids needed to form a complete protein. They also have healthy fats, which are important to any diet, and can sometimes be forgotten when eating a primarily vegetable-based diet. They also contain fiber, a lot of vitamin C and K, and a whole bunch of other wonderful things.

One of the easiest ways to use an avocado, and also one of my favorite foods, is guacamole. So here's my recipe. I hope you like it!

2 avocados mashed
1 Tbl lime (lemon also works, but I love limes)
1 small clove garlic pressed/finely chopped
1/2 tomato finely chopped
2 Tbl minced onion
pinch of ground cumin
2 drops hot pepper sauce
1 chili (i usually use little chili peppers, but tonight I used half a habanero, and it was awesome)
salt and pepper to taste

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