Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello World!

I created this blog about about two months ago, so I guess it's probably time for me to actually start posting. When I first made the page I had absolutely no clue what to talk about. All I knew was that I want to write. My brother suggested that I blog about food, because food has always been one of my greatest passions. At the time it sounded like a pretty good idea, but I was a little uninspired.

My lack of inspiration was due to my current omnivore diet. I used to be vegan, but I started eating meat and dairy again about two years ago. Ever since I stopped eating vegan, I felt less enthused about food. I still liked to eat of course, everyone does, but my love of the food I was putting into my body had vanished. For the past two years, I have constantly tossed around the idea of being vegan again, but somehow I never did it. Veganism is one of those things, like exercising, that is easy to find excuses to put off - You are in a rush, and making a quick grilled cheese sandwich or grabbing a burger on the run is just so easy; you'll just start your new life style tomorrow. - Or you have to cook for a family that does not want to make the same changes as you. - Or you live in a dorm and have little control over your own meal options.   ...There are a million excuses.

I personally have been making excuses for long enough. And now I am finally ready to be veg again. I just moved out of my family's house, and for the first time I am responsible only for my own meals. This especially inspired me to change my eating habits back to vegan. However, I do face one small catch. I'm a college student trying to eat on a tight budget. Eating a restricted diet while on a budget is said to be a challenge. I think I am up for it though.

This challenge has finally inspired me to start posting on my blog. It will inspire me to continue my vegan lifestyle, and if at least one other person finds one of my posts useful I will feel accomplished. I plan on posting both recipes and information about veganism.